Phil's Raspberry Finger Diggles

Serves: 8 Cooking time: 20 minutes

These were a favourite of mine growing up, so I thought I’d have a go at creating a no added sugar version. I’ve come up with a recipe that I think matches the original for taste and hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


  • 225g wholemeal flour/white SR flour
  • 90g Stork margarine (block)
  • 1 medium egg, beaten
  • 1 level tsp baking powder
  • 1 level tsp bicarb
  • 16 frozen raspberries
  • Total Sweet Xylitol to sprinkle over


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, 180°C fan, gas mark 6.
  2. Rub the margarine into the flour then add the bicarb and baking powder.
  3. Next add the egg and xylitol and mix well.
  4. Form into 8 balls roughly the size of a large walnut.
  5. Place onto a silicone paper baking tray leaving a good gap in between and press down slightly.
  6. Make 2 small indentations on the top, then push in the frozen raspberries, then reform the edges, raising them slightly. Sprinkle over a little xylitol.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes, they will spread slightly.
  8. Remove and cool completely, before attempting to lift off the sheet. 

Copyright Phil Vickery